Here is a non alphabetical list of places, people and terms used to help translate some of our native vocabulary – some have been thrown in for no reason!
Newcastle - The rose in the crown of the north-east.
Sunderland - The anus of England, home to mackems.
Geordies - Salt of the earth people of reasonable intelligence, passionate about a mediocre football team.
Mackems - Bitter and twisted individuals who live in the shadows of Newcastle. Love karaoke and blonde tips in their hair.
Newcastle UTD – Geordies 1st love and everyone’s favourite 2nd team (well we like to think so anyway)
Sunderland A.F.C. - Shit football team that no fucker cares about.
St. James Park - Mecca of the north where 52,000 Geordies flock to each week.
Stadium of Light – Home to Sunderland football club and also the world’s largest public toilet.
Monkeys heed - Reference to Peter Reid former Sunderland a.f.c manager who bore an uncanny resemblance to a chimpanzee.
Toon Army - Nickname of Newcastle UTD.
The Black Cats – Shite nickname of Sunderland.
Smoggies – Highly unusually beings with cock-eyes, 4 nipples and other deformities brought on my lack of sunlight due to thick layer of smog shadowing over the town of Middlesbrough.
Zombies – Angry beyond belief and always hungry have a particular taste for human brains.
Aliens – Visitors from another planet have a fetish for probing humans and like to blow up buildings of epic proportions (Byker wall anyone?)
Cannibals – Men who eat each other, not to be confused with gays!
Cyborgs – Half man, half machine for example Stephen Hawking but more agile.
Radgy’s – All so known as charva’s or chavs in the south much more of a nuisance then any of the above but harder to exterminate.
David Charlton – Horrible ginger bastard from wearside made infamous by his dirty protests in Strangeways prison.
Johnny Decker – North Tyneside legend in poncing free tabs and pints.
Geordie dancer – Dancing imbecile from City Vaults bar.
Tabs – Cigarettes
Gadgy – Man
Chiv – Small knife
Bairn – Child
Deed – Dead
Clamming – Hungry
Lag – Piss
Dangle berries – Mans testicles
Spunk farter – Gay man
Gypo – Gypsy or Pikey
Quayside – Situated on the bank of the river Tyne loaded with bars and restaurants (posh end of the Newcastle)
Bigg market – Popular drinking spot for young piss heads.
Haymarket – Another drinking area of Newcastle for older piss heads.
Westend – Ruff end of Newcastle and home too many notorious nutters.
Byker – Best described as an oversized run down Legoland.
Metro Centre – A labyrinth of shops was Gateshead’s only selling point before the Angle of the north was erected.
Fenwick’s – Department store in the centre of Newcastle Popular with shoplifters.
Greggs – Founded in Newcastle and has been making Geordies fat as fuck since 1939.
Hoppings – Travelling fair ground biggest in Europe which also brings 6 inches of rainfall in the middle of June every year.
Argos – Harrods for northerners.
F.Y.E.O. – For your eyes only, Premier lap dancing club where you can sample some of Newcastle’s finest snatch.
Diamond strip – A row of bars made unpopular by TV programme Geordie shore.
Metro – Like a train service but trampier!
Ram raiding – Shoplifting on wheels.
T.W.O.C. – Taking without consent
Facebook – Social networking website that’s been ending relationships since 2004.
CCTV footage from Nexus Metro service moments before a bomb explosion |