Friday 26 August 2011

Part 7 - Get off your fat arse

It doesn’t have to be the end of the world while trying to survive an apocolyspe!  But keeping busy is going to be vital if you’re going to stay sane through all this granted you don’t need to go back to your 9 to 5 job and usual routine.  I suggest you spend the time taking in a few new skills here are some examples and easy to follow rules for everyday tasks ahead:-

While living in Newcastle most likely for the best part of your life Greggs pasties have been your stable diet from since you were a bairn.  Well no more you will just have to learn how to cook for yourself personally I could burn a boiled egg but I do know that pink chicken equals the bad bellies and bad bellies give you the shits.

Learn how to shoot, very handy skill to fend off unwanted attention there isn’t a shooting range in the toon so recommend getting a handful of stay zombies and paint targets on their heads and get a couple of super soakers and get practicing, on top of all that it will piss them off and be a proper howl.

Not exactly a skill you might think but you will need to know how to wash your own clothes you have heavily relied on your mother for such mundane work that it’s something that has passed you by.  Stick everything on a 40o was and keep your whites separate although what the hell are you doing wearing white gear in amongst all this chaos!?

Go organic and unleash your green fingers and take up gardening so you can grow your own fruit and veg.  Let’s just hope the human race hasn’t scorched the sky like in the Matrix to blot out the sun otherwise you’re in a world of shit. 
While growing your own dope live without the fear of Northumbria police hovering over head with their helicopters and thermal detectors and raiding your home in the early hours of the morning.

Anatomy of the brain

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